5 Things Glenn Hidalgo and I Have in Common

I was telling my friend Glenn Hidalgo that we may look totally different on the surface but underneath we're weirdly alike. Here are 5 ways we are alike

So Glenn Hidalgo and I are both kind of sarcastic and since we grew up in New York City, we know how to tell someone off properly. He's no shrinking violet (ha, that's punny), and neither am I. We stand up for ourselves, have no problem telling you like it is, and we'll give you a smart ass answer if you ask us a dumb question. And by the way if you want to know even more about glenn, click here to learn more about Glenn Hidalgo.

Glenn Hidalgo and I are both Gen Xers. We totally get it and sometimes millenials can drive us crazy with their self entitlement. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of good ones, but Gen Xers grew up just feeling lucky to get a job, we work hard, we don't whine and we just accept life has given us what it has. We are scrappy and push through and get stuff done.

Glenn Hidalgo and I have the same thumbs. No joke. We both can bend our fingers way back and we have that hitchhiker's thumb. And not everyone's thumbs go back as far as ours do. It's crazy. It's like we got separated at birth. Every time he sees me he tells me he wants his thumbs back. It's so funny.
Glenn Hidalgo and I like to travel

Glenn and I are both creative types. He's crazy super creative in both music and art, and he can cut hair, and design clothes and do makeup and throw anything at him and he'll do something artsy with it. I am not like that but I am creative, I was a writer, I worked in magazines, I worked with creatives all my life. I played clarinet and was in all the school plays, and used to sing but not like him. So while we are not at the same level of creative, we get each other. Sometimes his creativity could freak someone out but I get it, it's just a brand or a persona, a character. He's not boring we will give him that.

One last thing Glenn Hidalgo and I have in Common

Glenn Hidalgo and I both like spooky stuff. We both love to go to Salem Mass, and I love to watch all the spooky movies and Ghost Adventure shows. We're both very spiritual. We don't do the church thing but we're still very spiritual. We both like a little spooky magic in our lives.

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