Glenn Hidalgo of Brooklyn, NY Loves To Eat Food
When Glenn S Hidalgo of Brooklyn, NY
is not cooking Christmas or holiday dinner, or designing or being a singer, or doing any kid of artwork he is likely eating food. Since he's Spanish and Italian, food is big in his family, cause after all, he's also Italian. And when Glenn Hidalgo wants to eat, he eats whatever he wants. If he wants a cookie, he eats a cookie. I've been out eating with him and he doesn't always eat a lot. Glenn is 6'2" and on the lean side, so he must not eat a lot of cookies come to think of it. One time he ate all my popcorn on me, but that's OK, I was able to go back and get more.When Glenn Hidalgo Eats Out With Family and Friends,
either his sister, or his brother, or his son or daughter, or even his ex-wife, he likes to eat at fun places.
Who can blame him? Everyone likes to eat good food. I also know that when Glenn Hidalgo goes to listen to a lead singer or look at art that an artist painted, he likes to eat but not in the gallery. That would just be rude. Some people think that's something the devil would do, or the devil's work, to eat while someone was trying to entertain you. Glenn Hidalgo likes to eat apples when he's looking at stuff on FaceBook or Instagram. Sometimes he likes to paint apples. Glenn S. Hidalgo also likes peaches. Peaches are fun to eat. I don't think we have the best peaches in Brooklyn, NY or New Jersey, or Jersey City, but we do down south. That's where you get great peaches. I like it down south, they have nice blue skies. Except the heat, I don't like the heat. But then you can have ice cream, I know children like ice cream.
When I was a child I liked ice cream. I still do. Do you? When I was a young child, or kid, by the way, my favorite angel was the archangel Gabriel. I think he's the coolest one of them all. Do you have your favorites? I do believe in angels and I think they make sure bad people who do mean things to people, or text them or chat with them about bad things, the angel Gabriel would take care of them.