Glenn Hidalgo and I Spoke About The Price of Socks

The other day I was talking to a friend of mine, who is named Glenn Hidalgo about socks. I said what the heck is all these ads on TV about socks. They go over every detail of the sock. They have some that are varying sizes, some that are one size fits all, some are compression and they claim it works miracles on your feet and back. Then there's Bombas who brag about their socks and how they give away one free paid to a homeless shelter for every pair you buy.

So I said, Glenn, why are socks such a thing now? I think it's nice that they give away socks to the homeless shelter. But do you know how much they cost? $25 for one pair. I mean one pair!
 Glenn said I know it's nuts. How many socks do they expect people to have? Four?  I mean when I buy socks I buy a pair in bulk for maybe $12 and I still complain about how expensive they are.

How can they justify $25 for a pair of socks that you couldn't wear with a dress suit or something. They say they fix the seams and do all kinds of stuff to make them soft as a puppy. But whatever, I said Glenn Hidalgo, if I'm going to pay $25 for a pair of socks they better be able to wash dishes too. Are you kidding me? And maybe they are that much money because all they do is buy TV spots to talk about their socks. I mean these are taking up the same spots as Toyota and Lincoln. If I'm going to buy a Lincoln I expect to see a lot of advertising, but Glenn and I agreed, since we know Lincoln is going to spend a lot for ads because you know, a car is a big ticket purchase, I kind of want to see them advertising. Mainly so that when I pull up in front of my friends' house with a Lincoln they have also seen the ads, so they know how valuable it is. But socks? I'm not going to pull up in a pair of Bombas. I'm just not, and I said to Mr. Hidalgo how are they affording to put big TV spot ads on about socks? Do they put ads on socks that you find in the bargain bins at JC Penney? No! They don't and they don't cost $25 a pair.

When I was talking about this with Glenn, I said listen I was so excited about those Bombas socks. I totally bought in. They had me. They had me convinced. So I went to the site fully intending to buy a pair. And then I saw the price and said Are you kidding? And Glenn Hidalgo agreed. So I got said and then went and bought a regular pair of socks.

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