Glenn Hidalgo and the Family Name

I was recently talking to my friend Glenn Hidalgo who lives in Brooklyn NY and I told him he had the coolest name. 

It’s unique because Glenn is typically an Irish name but Hidalgo is Spanish. And it’s no ordinary Spanish name. It’s got a long history. During the Notre Dame fire in Paris we found out that the Mayor of Paris was also a Hidalgo. It prompted me to look up the meaning of the name. And here it is. Also if you'd like to learn more about my friend you can go to his site

Spanish: from hidalgo ‘nobleman’ (attested in this form since the 12th century), a contraction of the phrase hijo de algo ‘son of something’. The expression hijo de (Latin filius ‘son’ + de ‘of’) is used to indicate the abundant possession of a quality, probably influenced by similar Arabic phrases with ibn; algo (Latin aliquid ‘something’) is used in an elliptical manner to refer to riches or importance. As in the case of other surnames denoting high rank, the name does not normally refer to the nobleman himself, but is usually an occupational name for his servant or a nickname for someone who gave himself airs and graces. 
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press

Similar surnames: FidalgoHallVidalesVidalVitalHaggVidrioDainoSiano

What else do you know about the name Hidalgo? 

There was a movie called Hidalgo. And there's a place in Texas called Hidalgo. Did they sing in that movie? I told Glenn Hidalgo he should write a song about the movie and the place in texas

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